1. Numbers, English texts, and symbols should be in the font of Times New Roman.
  2. English book titles should be italicized, and single article titles should be enclosed in quotation marks (“ ”).
  3. The headings in the article use I. A. 1. a. in order.
  4. Font sizes are as follows:
  • Article title: 20 pt
  • Author's name (usually the same size as the medium heading): 14pt
  • Large heading: 16 pt
  • Medium heading: 14 pt
  • Small heading: 12 pt (If a fourth level is needed, bold the small heading; if not bolded, it can be used again for the next level).
  • Body text: 11 pt
  • Footnotes: 10 pt
  1. For paragraph spacing, use the set single line spacing and increase the spacing before and after paragraphs. Do not use blank lines between paragraphs.
  2. Scripture quotation should list its Bible version. For sample: “Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?” (1 Cor. 15:55; ESV)